Are You Struggling With Life?
Your struggle is NOT with a person. Your struggle is rooted in the spiritual realm.
Ephesians 6:12 declares, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Have you prayed for years for someone to change and nothing happened? Have you tried to talk to someone you love, to clear the air and only made things worse? Have you tried therapy or medication to no avail? Has your son been through drug or alcohol rehab too many times to count? Has your daughter who grew up in the church decided she is a lesbian? Have your adult children decided to divorce you? Is your husband addicted to porn? Is your marriage on the rocks inspite of numerous attempts to rekindle the cold ashes of romance?
Have you ever thought there was an invisible wall blocking every attempt at restoration? Maybe even an enemy?
God’s Holy Spirit wants EVERYONE to know He exists!!
Satan doesn’t want ANYONE to know he exists!
In our sophisticated, educated world, it is taboo to believe that demonic or evil spirits actually DO exist. Satan is a liar (actually, “the father of lies”) and a master of deciet and distraction. He wants to portray his spirits as only the subject matter for horror movies and Halloween parties, but he is alive and actively pursuing his ONLY objectives: “to steal, kill and destroy!” (John 10:10)
If you have not tuned out by now and decided we are members of some fringe religious order, be assured of one thing, if demons DO exist, you cannot medicate them away nor can you talk them off the ledge by theraputic counseling. NOTE: We are NOT opposed to therapy or medication and we do NOT advise anyone to stop any professional medical, psychiatric or theraputic advice they may be currently receiving. We are only suggesting that if those protocols are not producing the results you need, it may be spiritual in nature and you may want to talk to us.
We are college educated Christians who have personally encountered strong demonic attacks and, by God’s grace, prevailed over actual, living evil spirits. God has also brought other strong Christian believers into our lives who too have been physically attacked by powerful “rulers of the darkness.” We were just as clueless and helpless as you may be feeling and had great difficulty seeking competent counsel for ourselves. As a result of our own arduous journey, we are now offering our learnings to others. And we have met scores of others who are at their wits end, not knowing what to do or where to turn.
If you are one of those individuals or couples for whom we have been praying that God would bring to us for teaching and ministry, we encourage you to read some of our material on this website and join our Facebook group ( When you are ready, feel free to contact us to schedule an initial exploratory meeting to see if God is bringing us together for our greater good and His greater glory!
Ralph and Patty Watson